- 23 Oct, 2017
- Solar Training , Products , Using and installation
Now available at Alma Solar: our exclusive All Risk Insurance! This insurance covers all your solar equipment FOR FREE if you purchased it through Alma Solar.
What is the Alma Solar All Risk Insurance?
What does the Alma Solar insurance cover?
- Mecanical and technical: we insure you in case of damage related to mechanical or electrical incidents on your solar panels or inverters, overvoltage short circuits and broken solar panel frames.
- Fire: we protect you in case of damage caused by a total or partial fire. Also fire departures, explosions, and implosions. Meteorological: we protect you from meteorological events that can affect your solar installation: lightning, hail, flood, heavy storms, snow pressure, falling trees, and all natural disasters.
- Meteorologique : nous vous protegeons face aux evenements meteorologiques qui peuvent toucher votre installation solaire : foudre, grele, inondation, tempete forte, pression de neige, chute d'un arbre, et toutes les catastrophes naturelles.
- Theft: we insure you in case of damage related to theft, attempted theft and all total or partial damage related to these incidents on your photovoltaic installation.
And even the most unexpected risks:
- Airplane crashes: the Alma Solar insurance also covers damage related to a possible air crash.