Your Workee installer in Europe !
In 4 countries and more soon!
Your installation in FRANCE according to the departments...
- 01 Ain
- 02 Aisne
- 06 Alpes maritimes
- 08 Ardennes
- 09 Ariège
- 11 Aude
- 12 Averyon
- 13 Bouches-du-Rhône
- 16 Charente
- 17 Charente-Maritime
- 20 Corse
- 21 Côte-d'Or
- 22 Côte-d'Armor
- 24 Dordogne
- 24 Dordogne
- 25 Doubs
- 26 Drôme
- 27 Eure
- 28 Eure-et-loir
- 30 Gard
- 31 Haute-Garonne
- 32 Gers
- 33 Gironde
- 34 Hérault
- 36 Indre
- 37 Indre et Loire
- 38 Isère
- 39 Jura
- 40 Les landes
- 41 Loir et Cher
- 42 Loire
- 44 Loire Atlantique
- 45 Loiret
- 46 Lot
- 47 Lot-et-garonne
- 48 Lozère
- 49 Maine et loire
- 50 Manche
- 52 Haute marne
- 53 Mayenne
- 54 Meurthe-et-moselle
- 55 Meuse
- 57 Moselle
- 58 Nièvre
- 59 Nord
- 60 Oise
- 61 Orne
- 63 Puy de Dome
- 64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques
- 65 Hautes-Pyrénées
- 66 Pyrénées-orientales
- 67 Rhin
- 68 Haut-Rhin
- 69 Rhône

Automatically in the configurator you have the option to select the Workee installer. The price is calculated automatically based on your configuration.
Your installation in Germany according to the regions...
Zip code starting with 63, 64, 68, 69, 97
Zip code starting with 63, 97
Soon Berlin
Soon Brandenburg
Soon Bremen
Soon Hamburg
Zip code starting with 35, 36, 55, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69
Soon Niedersachsen
Zip code starting with 57
Zip code starting with 55, 57, 65, 67
Soon Saarland
Soon Sachsen
Soon Sachsen-Anhalt
Soon Schleswig-Holstein
Zip code starting with 36

Automatically in the configurator you have the option to select the Workee installer. The price is calculated automatically based on your configuration.